Park Place Technologies ESG Narrative - Page Header



Park Place Technologies的环保项目, Social and Governance (ESG) success is measured by what we do and how we do it.

ESG results are increasingly a measure of a company’s performance. Environmental stewardship is a puzzle piece necessary to navigate climate impacts and is now being legislated. 社交参与是招聘的关键, developing and retaining the people who set us above our industry peers. Proper governance is synonymous with quality leadership and risk reduction, 是什么让公园广场表现出色, 为员工提供一个稳定的平台, 也是客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

Park Place Technologies - Curvature e-waste infographic 2021我们的业务-客户可持续发展

自1991年成立以来, Park Place has worked to help our 客户 extend the life of data center computer equipment. 从那天起, the scope and scale of data centers has exploded, with Park Place growing in step with our 客户, continuing to provide data center hardware maintenance services and expanded support with network and hardware monitoring and triage services. Our impact has been extending the life of computer equipment on average three years across now more than 1.100万硬件资产.

In 2020, Park Place acquired the Curvature hardware resale business. Curvature brings our 客户 a resource for added and replacement equipment from the secondary preowned market. In 2021, individual equipment sales by Curvature exceeded 450,000个单位, with each individual unit sale saving manufacturing and equipment disposal impacts, 估计有950人,000磅, 关于我们的环境.

公园广场继续创新, developing complimentary solutions to accompany our hardware maintenance and preowned hardware sales. 侨福硬件监控, underpinned by our First-Time Fix™ Guarantee, pinpoints break-fix needs and allows us to resolve customer issues in one trip. Park Place’s data center efficiency solutions, 包括企业网络监控, ParkView Discovery and managed services support, negate excess redundancies in equipment and premature refresh of IT systems, meaning that customer equipment is utilized to its maximum potential for its maximum life.

Every Park Place employee believes we are a company that has met its moment. We have the opportunity to make a positive difference with each service and equipment sale, enabling our 客户 and communities to conduct their business more sustainably.


在公园广场, we believe we have a responsibility to serve as a role model for the conduct of business in a manner that serves all of our key stakeholders. 我们的员工期望如此. This means that we turn inward and make environmental stewardship a daily activity at Park Place, and that we create opportunities for individuals to build careers and support themselves and their families in a respectful environment. It means that we conduct business in a manner with legal compliance, public policies and the ethics and values of the populations with whom we work as the standard. It also means that we preemptively negate risks, such as data breach and cybersecurity risks.

我们已召集董事会成员, our senior leaders and our employees across the globe to engage in our ESG initiatives and the daily steps that create 可衡量的 improvements in our workplace and employee experience, 我们的社区, 以及我们的环境. 这些努力有着共同的主题. They are deliberate, forward looking and impactful. We hold ourselves accountable for progress and work to measure the impact of each effort. We look to make positive impacts and to create a contagion of corporate responsibility by leading by example.


Park Place has long worked to establish a global baseline of fair compensation, 丰厚的福利, 平等的机会, 一个包容的环境. We periodically complete third-party compensation and global benefits reviews and conduct annual employee evaluations and yearly engagement surveys. We are an intentional 平等的机会 employer, 赞助业务资源组, DEI项目, “维,” and have multiple employee communication opportunities, 包括每日内网站点, 领导力“市政厅”, 和播客. These are in addition to our online employee learning platform, 有超过450个活动课程, many part of specially designed developmental curricula. We also have made company success synonymous with employee success through our annual profit-sharing program, 实施了十多年.

Park Place has a history of community outreach. 在全球层面上, 我们与I Wish合作, an Ireland-based organization committed to showcasing the power of STEM to female secondary students. Most recently, we co-hosted more than 22,000 girls from 26 countries at the I Wish annual event. 一个社区一个社区, we help Girl Scouts earn cybersecurity badges in Ohio; support campers in Massachusetts with scholarships to Worcester Polytechnic Institute; lend our hands to England’s Future Frontiers, and locally in our headquarters community with Breakthrough Schools and other school programs, to foster educational equality through mentoring and support; promote annual philanthropic giving to numerous community and child-focused programs; and donate laptops to schools and charitable organizations, providing coding opportunities to students.

Our company culture is one of relentless innovation, 所以下一个问题是, “我们还能做什么呢?” Our teams are embarking on additional initiatives that we believe will be game changers for Park Place and the opportunities for individuals who join our organization. 这些包括:

人物星形图标事业群 -我们的员工有才能, motivation and motor to serve as leaders at Park Place, so we have built a multi-faceted program to provide hands-on, 在深度上, cross-functional teaching and support with the clearly defined objective of advancing each program participant two or more steps on their Park Place career path and into key leadership roles.


经验丰富的图标老兵招聘计划 – we are taking steps to become a destination employer for Veterans. We have opportunities across the company with the primary qualification for the position being the energy and commitment to learn and succeed. Our recruiting actively targets the Veteran community. We have created a business resource group specifically for our Veterans, one of the most active employee affinity teams at Park Place.


neurodivergent图标NEURODIVERSE/AUTISM INTENTIONAL HIRING INITIATIVE ——仍处于探索阶段, this Park Place initiative seeks to become the first in our industry to focus on the unique talents of the neurodiverse population and create a work environment in which the company engages top talent employees by providing the opportunity for work and careers to persons who, absent an intentional program with the right supports, 可能被忽视.



Park Place’s environmental stewardship within our organization is captured by the common phrase, “无数的小事.” This speaks to what the company and our individual employees do daily and our plans for next year — and beyond.

Park Place’s 专业十大赌博正规老平台 ITAD team dismantles all customer IT systems with documented disposal in accordance with Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) standards. Curvature Hardware maintains its R2 (Responsible Recycling) Certification, which is the standard for best practices for electronics recycling.

A walk through any of our offices reveals individual and common-space recycling bins, 节能照明, 还有动作激活开关. Our service locations are the hub of our electronics recycling programs and scrap management. 在我们的停车场, 41% of our employees have access to electric vehicle charging stations, 大部分资金来自公园广场, 计划在2023年扩张.

Plans are underway to add solar panels to provide power to one or more of our primary locations in 2023. In addition to this alternative energy source, Park Place tracks global energy consumption and has set a 10% target for energy use reduction for 2023.

在上面的基础上, Park Place is exploring carbon net-neutral programs and certifications, with the expectation that our efforts to date, combined with the commitment of our leadership and each of our employees, will allow us to hit this target within the next 3-to-5 years.


在公园广场, governance is seen as how our Board of Directors and senior leaders guide the organization to meet priorities, 管理风险, preserve reputation and honor company ethics and values. The governance arm of our ESG program oversees value-based, 可衡量的, tracked and reported performance standards that marry business conduct and the collective interests of the company’s stakeholders.

Our governance mandate includes legal compliance, examples being our data privacy compliance program; antibribery/anticorruption policies; training and monitoring; and our export and import compliance controls. It also includes Park Place risk-management programs, 例如我们的业务连续性计划, 员工热线, 员工网络安全培训, 已发布的策略库, and supplier vetting protocols and code of conduct. Park Place has taken the added steps of aligning with top-tier industry standards and has earned ISO 9001 EMEA Quality Management System, Global ISO 27001 Information System Management and Managed 十大赌博正规老平台 SOC2 Data Security Certifications.

我们的董事会, executives and senior leaders hold themselves accountable for the business success of the organization, with a further commitment to transparently and honestly communicate company performance to employees and empower employees to contribute to the success of the organization. In addition to profit-sharing, Park Place has an expansive equity participation program. Quarterly executive-led company-wide townhalls supplement our daily intranet, “WIRED”. An annual employee engagement survey includes management follow-up and reporting to the highest levels in the organization.


Park Place’s ESG initiative is a continuous improvement mandate. We take pride in the work we have accomplished to date and the company we are, and we look to amaze our stakeholders and continue to set an example for our corporate peers in the next year and beyond.